Emergency Planning

AlphaTRAC provides consulting services, tools, and training for emergency planners and managers facing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive hazards.  The company has earned a national reputation for its expertise in hazards-based decision-making, hazards analysis, and consequence assessment.  AlphaTRAC also specializes in program assessment, the management of emergency management programs, and the development and execution of drills and exercises for hazardous materials emergencies.

Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling

AlphaTRAC develops, maintains, and applies atmospheric models as components of many of its solutions.  From deterministic planning codes to probabilistic risk assessment models and rapid-response real-time capabilities, we deploy and operate the right modeling capability for each application. Our forte is real-time modeling of atmospheric processes in mountainous terrain and other complex atmospheres.

Hazards Assessments

One of AlphaTRAC’s strengths is its analytical approach to planning and preparedness. We can develop hazards surveys and assessments to serve as the technical basis on which detailed plans for risk avoidance and emergency response can be built.

Business and Operations Continuity Planning

Business continuity planning focuses on efforts to ensure that critical business operations will continue to function during adverse events.  Continuity of operations (COOP), on the other hand, is a federal initiative to ensure that governmental departments and agencies can perform their mission essential functions during a wide range of emergencies and events, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological attacks or malevolent events.  

Program Assessments

The complexity of today’s regulatory environment makes program management a daunting task for even the most savvy emergency managers. AlphaTRAC specializes in helping organizations with independent assessments, preparing for inspections, responding to audit results, and developing corrective action plans that take the guesswork out of compliance.

Plans and Procedures

Emergency response is often only as effective as the planning that precedes it.  AlphaTRAC can assist by translating your internal knowledge and its own analyses into plans that will allow your emergency response assets to excel.

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