Through an innovative partnership with the IAFC Near Miss Program, AlphaACT FIRE places the experience of veterans into the hands of users, through complex fireground scenarios. Far more than simulation training, AlphaACT FIRE teaches you how to leverage experiences from the past to make better decisions today.
Join the revolution and help close the growing experience gap in the fire industry.
Dive deeper and more frequently into training focused on improving situational awareness and crisis decision-making skills, two of the leading causes of firefighter injuries and near miss events identified by the IAFC's National Near Miss Program
From grow operations to new construction materials, access new and relevant scenarios added to the library every month, addressing the current and growing needs of the fire community
The experiences of veteran firefighters are quickly being lost to retirement. Build up the rolodex file of experience for the next generation of Incident Commanders. Rapidly and consistently train on scenarios based on actual events.
Discover your strengths and address your weaknesses. Upgrade and access system integrated technology and analytics that allow you to get a grip on performance measurements that matter
Leverage your AlphaACT FIRE upgrade to facilitate more group sessions in the classroom or around the kitchen table and reinforce those discussions through unlimited individual scenario play
Avoid installation fees, version update costs and individual scenario purchases. Subscribers get no-installation-required access to every upgrade, every scenario for as long as they subscribe. Subscribe today and lock in an annual subscription rate for as many years as you continue subscribing