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Aligned to Save Lives


AlphaTRAC is partnering with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to advance public safety training through innovative technology and critical decision-making training. Our partnership works to elevate the ability of the IAFC to serve the public safety community and create sustainability for its many critical programs. Together we will address the growing experience gap through training that will ultimately save lives.

Closing the experience gap in the public safety community through innovative training.

Near Miss

AlphaTRAC is partnering with the IAFC Near Miss Program to use the experiences and lessons learned from the public safety community to create engaging, simulation-based training. Our XCapture™ technology, which powers the new IAFC Near Miss System, integrates with AlphaACT FIRE to provide historical cases that can be leveraged during system play.

Closing the experience gap in the public safety community by leveraging lessons learned.


CommandSim technology brings innovation to the world of simulation training. Its easy to use interface allows the rapid development of realistic fire and HAZMAT event scenes. AlphaTRAC has partnered with CommandSim and uses its technologies to make engaging decision-making training better, cheaper, and faster.

Technology for the rapid development of realistic simulations in experience-based training.

Wondering what the IAFC Near Miss Partnership Looks Like?

Lucky for you, we made a cool chart